Wednesday 21 May 2008

King Creosote

This isn't exactly new news but still. King Creosote seems to keep himself to himself, he's released 38 albums via his own "Fence" label under his real name and 4 via Warner as King Creosote. He lives in Scotland and his accent comes and goes through his songs. The tunes could be described as folk and then sometimes rocky in bits too..But the music really just revolves around his voice. He's got a very sweet voice that has lots of emotion; but there's something else here too. A certain coynessthat's brought out in his lyrics. "There's none of That" starts with a tune that wouldn't be out of place accompanying skipping through a field on a summers day. He sings "You know when hands touch and there's that spark ofelectrical something or another, well there's none of that" and lists lots of things they haven't got and then goes on "Backstabbing, New blood sampling, eye opening wisecracks, there's plenty of that"; it doesn't sound bitter or angry its just quite smug and clever. Though listening to music as its smug and clever isn't normally a good thing, this is; The music is spot on and songs like "Not One Bit Ashamed" are very special, if a little unhappy.

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